Bayonetta 2 only miraculously went out, and this time Platinum Games has a chance to do everything as it should. But did it turn out? Now we’ll figure it out.
-Fuck You
-No, fuck you
Yes, I agree. The creators of the Bayonet could not put the “Quality” bar “Qualities” of Ninja Theory. So low as the authors of DMC is impossible.
When you are the nerds of the old Dante, you are honest that a bite to the forbidden fruit of the third part in childhood, stupidly prevents you from objectively evaluating the stunning design of locations, an excellently worked -out combat system and a smoothly tailored plot of the last part?;)
It seems to me that Alexander with the original Devil May Cry is only familiar with firsthand, because a similar comparison does not climb into any gate, so to speak.
Incredible, but I agree. The plot in general, the new DMC is not bad, but the
dialogs there are clearly not MGS, and they showed the worst example of a dialogue from the whole game (whether specially?).
Yes, he also shuddered after what was said. It is necessary, there is a misunderstanding as VHI has juicy and interesting dialogs.
And here it is? The emphasis was on dialogs, which DMC does not shine, unlike the original series. Here the people are dissatisfied.
The worst review on SG I saw.Now I will explain why:
1.Too short and not intelligible. It was possible to describe a little more.
2.Combinations are made very simple and easy. Since only two buttons hand+leg are involved in the most part. You just need to correctly calculate the pauses between the blows.
3.Problems with art design stupidly your nit -picking. Just for this porridge and insanity, many love the bayonet.
4.Nothing is said about accessories that give all kinds of effects. Sometimes complicating or facilitating the game process.
5. About pathos and dialogs. You haven’t carefully laughed so seriously for a long time. How can this excerpt from DMC insert. There is not a gram there is a humor. What a negligence. I agree to cool dialogs less than in the original DMC. But humor implicated on the eroticity of the main character is still present.
6. Not a word about the new Tag Climax mode.
7.Not a word about the plot and characters. Continuous hints without mentioning specific names.
8.Not a word about the bosses. Which this time is not only angels but also demons.
And for that matter. The new DMC took a lot from the original byonet:
1.Amnesia of the protagonist.
2.Parallel measurement in which enemies live.
3. An empty room in which you can train.
4.Some basics of the combat system. (Almost all the blows of any weapon are carried out the same. Only the power of the impact and the speed of animation differs.)
But with the assessment, oddly enough, I agree. Booking. For there are very few differences with the first part T.e.(the same first part only more).
Well, the design is subjective, so I will not argue … although for me it is too bright … in the combat system of changes from the 4th part from the essence, the cat cried. Unless they added regimes of angelic and demonic weapons. But about the plot, I had to get into Wikipedia to make sure that I remember correctly what it is. Where is the logic? In what place is generally in the game that the authors themselves do not even know what they made a prequel or restarting was found logic. What the hell in the restart is used the Dante model from the 4th part of the current, rejuvenated to the age of a 15-year-old teenager, even if they cut and painted? Which even in the twin is a pancake brother cannot find out? Well, besides the model there are still inconsistencies that clearly show what the prequel did. And just where is the logic? Dante saves the world the whole game from under the stick to attract the girl, but he does not care about the world, and then suddenly rushes to protect him from his brother because it is a shame if you save him, and then his brother comes and now we will rule, since we are better. At the same time, I agree that the game is very good, but the hero is clearly not reaching the level of a given in the old parts. Just not so interesting and, as a result, watching them is just as less interesting than the old.
P.S. And what does the third part have to do with it? I’m preferring more than the 4th … probably because the 3rd on the consoles is lazy, and on the computer you will run it with modern gamepads from boxing (triggers do not work), but to pervert when one button is written, and it is inconvenient to press ..